Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Christian Debt Reduction Organization May Be The Only Ray Of Hope Available To Many Of Us

Category: Finance, Credit.

Cut your coat according to the cloth, goes a popular saying, but how many of us actually consider the truth behind these words. Credit card companies are having a hay day with their customers getting immersed deeper and deeper into the quicksand of debt, little realizing the associated dangers of such an action.

Not many, seeing the ever, I suppose increasing trend of buy now, pay later among the youth of today. By the time we wake up and smell the coffee, it is already too late and we are already drowned in multiple debts. A Christian debt reduction organization may be the only ray of hope available to many of us. Once the debt amount crosses a limit, it is not only difficult but almost impossible to pay it off easily. Americans, like citizens of other parts of the world, face a serious threat of living their entire lives under the burden of debt. The group has made it their mission to fight against the widespread evil of debt accumulation and aim towards a debt free society in the near future. As a fight against this alarming scenario, some individuals and associations have come together under the banner of the Christian debt reduction program.

To materialize their dream, they try and extend help and support to individuals who have multiple debts against their name and are unable to repay the huge loan amount. The Christian debt reduction group may lend the entire debt amount to the individual at a very low rate of interest and in some cases the money may be lent completely free of cost. The debt amount is consolidated to calculate the entire amount and then methods are sought to rid the individual of his burden. As the main intention is not profit but the overall welfare of society, it is the, hence logic behind offering financial and moral support to the borrowers. The Catholic Church had also prohibited lending money at an interest throughout the Middle Ages. The rules and principles from the holy Bible are then discussed and taught to the borrower, thereby guiding him away from the pitfalls of acquiring a debt, no matter how small in amount.

Many other religions also consider giving or borrowing money as a sin. The moral, legal and financial support provided to the borrower under such circumstances has great significance during times of trouble. Even the words sin and debt are used interchangeably in Aramaic, where the Lord s Prayer says, "redeem us from our debts, as we redeem our debtors. " Groups like the Christian debt reduction also enter into settlement negotiations on behalf of their client, mostly in cases where the debt amount is huge and it would be virtually impossible for the individual to repay his loans and maybe he is about to file for bankruptcy. Practical fund management rules and methods are also taught to the borrower in order to ensure that he manages his future funds in a much better and sensible manner. It is no wonder, that such sincere, therefore effort has helped many individual repay their debts and start a new life all over again.


We Accept Credit Cards - Casandra Hawkins's Finance and Credit blog:

We accept credit cards. You come across this line in grocery stores, malls and shops, restaurants and even online stores.

Business Credit Cards Are An Ideal Way To Fund A Growing Business - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit cards can be useful for business as well as for personal use.

You Must First Pay Off All Your High Interest Credit Card Debts To Benefit - Finance and Credit Blog:

Everyone knows that credit cards are synonymous with debt.

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